About Meg Glasgow

I love spontaneity... providing it is carefully planned.
24 04, 2015

Frame Restoration

By |2017-05-22T21:32:14-06:00April 24th, 2015|Art Services|0 Comments

We are often asked if we can repair damaged frames. Crack, chips, splits, missing pieces, broken glass are typical for the kinds of frame repair we do. But when a gentleman brought in this frame, I knew immediately it was something very special. He told me of the story of the frame taking a fatal [...]

24 03, 2015

5 Art Opportunities You Don’t Want to Miss!

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00March 24th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

It is an exciting time for the arts in Eagle!  There are several opportunities for artists looking for new and creative ways to display their good work. Here are just a few... PUBLIC ART | Eagle Road Underpass Mural Project The Eagle Arts Commission is seeking artists to submit proposals for murals on the pedestrian [...]

12 03, 2015

Eagle Prayer Flag Project

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00March 12th, 2015|Featured Artist|0 Comments

April through May 2015 Flying on mountain passes in Tibet, brightly colored prayer flags scatter blessings and good luck messages on the winds. It is believed that the wind spreads the prayers through the world, extending happiness, good will, and peace. Now the centuries old tradition comes to Eagle, Idaho with the Eagle Prayer Flag [...]

13 12, 2014

Art Opportunities in Eagle

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00December 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Calling all artists! We are on the lookout for both established artists and fresh, emerging talent just like you.  We are seeking submissions from qualified artists and curators proposing solo and group exhibitions of 2D and 3D work. Artists interested in applying Click Here for details Submissions are reviewed annually in November (November was too busy, [...]

11 11, 2014

A Peaceful World | Holiday Art Show

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00November 11th, 2014|Featured Artist|0 Comments

Stuff your stocking with artful gifts A Peaceful World is a visual art exhibit featuring regional artist’s expressions of the theme Peace. Artists include Sherri Carter,  Toby Davis, Gregg Russell, Kevin McCain, Sarah McRae Morton, Laurie Asahara, Rob Hart, Mark Davis, George Manlove, Marianne Solberg, Arayna Howard, Shirley Williams & more.   Opening Night Art Party [...]

6 10, 2014

Seeking Artists for Holiday Show

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00October 6th, 2014|Featured Artist, Uncategorized|0 Comments

CALL TO ARTISTS We believe the world could use a little more peace. The gallery would like for all artists (including photography, ceramics, glass & sculpture) to send us your best interpretation of the theme “Peace” for inclusion into the gallery’s Holiday 2014 Group Art Exhibition. We will gladly accept art for jurrying that is [...]

5 09, 2014


By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00September 5th, 2014|Featured Artist|0 Comments

Opening Reception Thursday, September 11 | 5:00 - 8:00pm This group exhibition explores the human form in representation, abstract and realism by artists demonstrating high technical ability. The show has attracted artists from Germany and Georgia as well as a variety of local and regional artists. The show includes original paintings by Sarah McRae Morton, Connie Sales, Joyce Green, [...]

31 07, 2014

Frame Restoration Services

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00July 31st, 2014|Art Services|0 Comments

This frame came to us in very poor condition. It was obvious that it had suffered decades in dusty storage. The wood was cracked. The decorative ornaments were cracked or missing all together. In a word, it was a mess! Our team of experts began a lengthy process of removing layers of smoke and dirt [...]

12 07, 2014

Call for Artists | Figurative Art

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00July 12th, 2014|Featured Artist|0 Comments

  The gallery would like for all artists (including photography & sculpture) to send us your best interpretation of the theme “Figurative” by depicting the human form or human features. “Figurative” is considered to be figures, forms and faces for inclusion into the gallery’s Fall 2014 Group Art Exhibition. We will accept art on this [...]

11 06, 2014


By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00June 11th, 2014|Featured Artist|0 Comments

The sculptures are here! Eleven large-scale public art sculptures have been installed in downtown Eagle as part of the Eagle Arts Commission's  mission to bring new arts experiences to Eagle's residents and visitors. The summer-long show provides an avenue for these talented regional artists to bring their art to the parks and pathways in downtown [...]

14 05, 2014

Eat, Drink & Support the Arts!

By |2017-05-22T21:32:16-06:00May 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Great Art Party is a fun evening of food, wine & music to support the arts in Eagle. The event kicks-off the Eagle Sculpture Invitational. Award presentation, silent auction & more! Meet the sculptors, live piano music by Christian Housel, enjoy food from Bella Aquila. and enjoy creative juices from 3 Horse Ranch and [...]

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